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[size=4][b]Bronchitis Caused - Understanding When Bronchitis Treatment is Necessary[/b][/size][hr]Many patients who suffer from respiratory conditions are diagnosed with bronchitis. Bronchitis is a very common respiratory illness and it can occur in anyone, regardless of age. However, bronchitis has a higher incidence in smokers, people with respiratory insufficiency and people with weak immune system. The problem with bronchitis is that it generates symptoms that have an unspecific character. The basics about bronchitis are also characteristic to other respiratory illnesses and in many cases they can be misleading in establishing the appropriate diagnose. Big Grin.

Patients that are following bronchitis treatments must avoid exposure to irritants and pollutants (smoke, dust, chemicals, astringent substances, vapors of alcohol or vapors of gasoline). Also, self-medication should be avoided, as inappropriate medicines can cause an aggravation of the illness. Avoid taking antibiotics without the doctor's permission and remember not to give aspirin to small children. For adults, aspirin or acetaminophen can temporarily relieve fever and other symptoms, but it is very important to see a doctor if the symptoms aggravate.

Although they aren't very safe, long-term bronchitis treatments with antibiotics are prescribed for overcoming chronic forms of the illness. The problem with bronchitis treatments that involve the use of antibiotics is that they can weaken the organism in time, making it more vulnerable to other infections. Despite their efficiency in fighting malign bacteria, bronchitis treatments with antibiotics also destroy internal benign bacteria that are part of the immune system. The sources used for the information for this article on Bacteria Bronchitis are all dependable ones. This is so that there be no confusion in the authenticity of the article.

Even if the illness is correctly diagnosed, prescribing the best bronchitis treatment is a challenging task for doctors. Antibiotics are often part of bronchitis treatments. However, if bronchitis is caused by viruses, it is considered that bronchitis treatments with antibiotics are ineffective in overcoming the illness. In some viral forms of acute bronchitis, medical treatment isn't required at all, as the illness clears on itself in a few weeks. Even if the illness is caused by bacteria, bronchitis treatments with antibiotics can cause a lot of harm to the organism if they are administered continuously.

You are suffering from viral forms of acute bronchitis, it is advised to rest properly, drink plenty of fluids (especially if you have fever) and use a vaporizer or humidifier in your bedroom (dry air can cause throat soreness and difficulty breathing). Avoid using cough suppressants! They prevent the elimination of mucus and can cause serious complications. You can help in decongesting the airways clogged with mucus by taking a hot shower or bath. It was with great relief we ended writing on Bronchitis Symptom. There was just too much information to write, that we were starting to lose hopes on it's completion!

[list][*]Bronchitis treatments for chronic forms of the illness often include bronchodilators such as albuterol and ipratropium.[*]These are inhaled medicines that eliminate the excess mucus responsible for obstruction of the respiratory tract and shortness of breathing.[*]Bronchitis treatments can also include steroids for strengthening the body's defenses against bacteria and viruses.[*]We have also translated parts of this composition into French and Spanish to facilitate easier understanding of Bronchitis Medical Treatment.[*]In this way, more people will get to understand the composition.[/list]

[size=large][b]'Smoking Kills[/b][/size][hr]If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life.' Brooke Shields (American actress) Cigarette smoking is the number one preventable cause of premature deaths in the United States. In the year 2000, it is estimated that 8.6 million Americans had 12.7 million medical conditions that were caused by cigarette smoking. For current smokers, the most prevalent were chronic bronchitis (49%), followed by emphysema (24%). For former smokers, the three most prevalent conditions were chronic bronchitis (26%), emphysema (24%), and previous heart attack (24%). Lung cancer accounted for 1% of all cigarette smoking-attributable illnesses Each year in the United States, approximately 440,000 persons die of a cigarette smoking-attributable illness. This results in 5.6 million years of potential life lost, $75 billion in direct medical costs, and $82 billion in lost productivity.. Smoking is responsible for 30% of all coronary heart disease deaths. Smoking however remains very prevalent, with almost 21 million men and 18 million women continue to smoke. The sad part is that a significant percentage of children continue to take up smoking each year. Wink

[size=large][b]So Quit Today[/b][/size][hr]You will not only look younger but smell better. You will also live a better and longer life. And save a lot of money. It has also been said that cancer cures smoking. Perhaps I can add that premature death will definitely cure your smoking. So do not be like Mark Twain (American Humorist, Writer and Lecturer. 1835- 'It's easy to quit smoking. I've done it hundreds of times.' Quit once and quit forever. The initial stages of this article on Bronchitis proved to be difficult. However, with hard work and perseverance, we have succeeded in providing an interesting and informative article for you to read.

[size=large][b]You Stop Smoking, the Benefits Start Almost Immediately[/b][/size][hr]The body begins to repair itself almost immediately. Several clinical studies have shown the cessation of smoking results in a substantial decrease in recurrent heart attacks, sudden cardiac death, total coronary heart disease mortality, and ischemic stroke. People who quit smoking cut their risk of abdominal aortic aneurysm in half. Within a few days or weeks, exercise endurance and cardiovascular capacity improve, and the good high density lipoprotein cholesterol increases. Within a year, the risk for most cardiovascular diseases will be cut in half. Within 5 to 15 years after stopping smoking, the risk of having a stroke decreases to the same level as that of someone who never smoked. After 15 smoke free years, the cardiovascular system will be as healthy as of somebody who had never smoked. And the incidence of all smoking related cancers--of the mouth, larynx, esophagus, bladder, kidney and pancreas--decreases. Big Grin.

Second hand or passive smoke is also associated with health risks in both children and adults. This environmental tobacco smoke contains a complex mixture of over 4000 chemicals, many toxic and about 40 proven to cause cancer in humans. The EPA estimates that environmental tobaccos smoke causes approximately 3,000 lung cancer and about 37,000 coronary heart disease deaths in nonsmokers each year. Children, exposed to secondhand smoke before and after birth, are at a greater risk of developing high blood pressure, cleft pallets and lips, childhood leukemia, attention deficit disorder and childhood wheezing. Besides Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), second hand smoke is also associated with an increase in acute lower respiratory tract infections, asthma, chronic respiratory symptoms and middle ear infections in children. Adults experience an increased risk of lung cancer, nasal sinus cancer, heart disease mortality, acute and chronic coronary heart disease morbidity and eye and nasal irritation, when exposed to second hand smoke. It also greatly increases the risk of developing metabolic syndrome, both in children and adults. No wonder Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels noted, 'Every citizen who stops smoking, or loses a few pounds, or starts managing his chronic disease with real diligence, is caulking a crack for the benefit of us all. '

[size=large][b]Smoke Ten to Fifteen Cigars a Day[/b][/size][hr]At my age I have to hold on to something.' George F. Burns (American comedian 1896- . Geoge Burns may have been genetically blessed or just plain lucky. Most people who smoke will see the risk of dying from heart disease go up by almost three times. The risk of stroke will double. Smoking increases blood pressure, accelerates the progression of arteriosclerosis, decreases the good HDL cholesterol, and increases the tendency for the blood to clot. Even after heart bypass surgery, continuing smoking increases the risk of recurrent cardiovascular events. Smokers also suffer from more peripheral arterial disease and aneurysms. Women who smoke and use oral contraceptives increase their risk of heart attack ten fold and increase their risk of strokes and blood clots in the legs.

[size=large][b]'the Best Way to Stop Smoking is to Just Stop[/b][/size][hr]No ifs, ands or butts. 'Groucho Marx (American Comedian, Actor and Singer, 1890- . Once you are ready to quit smoking, set a quit date. Inform and gather support from friends and relatives. Change your environment that encourages you to smoke. Get rid of all cigarettes and ashtrays in your home, car, and place of work. Do not let people smoke around you or in your home. Learn new skills and behavior and distract yourself from the urge to smoke. Drink lots of water and other fluids. You may also want to join a smoking support group. If you feel like the actress Loni Anderson, who unfortunately experienced, 'Once you are hooked, smoking is harder to quit then heroin, ' then you may want to seek professional help. There are several prescription and non-prescription medicines available. Nicotine replacement therapy is available as nicotine patch, gum, nasal spray or inhaler. Non-nicotine therapy includes prescription drugs Zyban and Chantix. Four out of five people who quit smoking may gain an average of about five pounds in weight. The good news is that this usually goes away within a few weeks or months after quitting.

[size=large][b]Smokeless Tobacco Should Not be Used as an Alternative to Cigarettes[/b][/size][hr]It is highly addictive and often more difficult to give up. This is because of its high nicotine content. Using smokeless tobacco also increases the risk of high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and stroke.