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is Bronchitis Contagious? - fabianmcgee - 06-12-2016

[size=4][b]Acute Bronchitis Lungs - is Bronchitis Contagious?[/b][/size][hr]Yes and no. It is not a trick question or answer. The real answer is - it depends. Bronchitis is divided into two very different categories. First is acute bronchitis which is what most think of when they hear the word bronchitis. This type of bronchitis is caused by a viral infection called influenza and is highly contagious. It is easily spread by coughing, sneezing, and even simply breathing. The infection is caused by air borne germs. There is truly no way to protect yourself from the germs that are spread around by someone with the virus.

[size=large][b]The Second Type of Bronchitis is Called Chronic Bronchitis[/b][/size][hr]This form of bronchitis is not contagious. It has almost identical symptoms including the common cough and wheezing found in acute bronchitis. However, it is cause by a very different group of sources. Smoking, second hand smoke, or other air borne allergies are the culprits that cause the chronic bronchitis. Many times this form of bronchitis is the first sign of more serious respiratory conditions. Like the acute form, antibiotics will have no effect on this form of bronchitis. So after reading what we have mentioned here on Bronchitis Not Contagious, it is up to you to provide your verdict as to what exactly it is that you find fascinating here.

[size=large][b]Unfortunately, Viral Infections can Not be Treated by Traditional Antibiotics[/b][/size][hr]The person carrying the virus is contagious for as long as they are showing any symptoms of bronchitis. This includes the well known hacking cough commonly associated with bronchitis. These symptoms can also include a wet mucous discharge from the cough, fever, headache, and fatigue. Writing on Acute Bronchitis proved to be a gamble to us. This is because there simply seemed to be nothing to write about in the beginning of writing. It was only in the process of writing did we get more and more to write on Acute Bronchitis.

Regardless of the type of bronchitis that you have, any cough lasting more than one week is reason to seek professional medical advice. An ounce of prevention can be priceless. If you are in a public environment where many people have access to it, avoid contact with anyone who has a hacking cough. Wash your hands frequently with an antibacterial soap. Disinfect items that may have had direct contact with anyone who has displayed a hacking cough. If someone in you home as a hacking cough, be sure to disinfect door handles, the bathrooms and use a disinfectant air spray to remove and kill any airborne viral infections floating around. Looking for something logical on Bronchitis Doctor, we stumbled on the information provided here. Look out for anything illogical here.

[size=large][b]Bright Blessings,[/b][/size][hr]Ashira ***** Ashira is a Practicing Pagan for over 15 years. Currently she is a featured columnist at ***** a person has agent bronchitis orange it continues for longer than a week medical advice is called for. There maybe another underlying cause of the bronchitis that only a doctor will be able to find. Similarly, if you have bronchitis more often than once a year, you should seek medical advice. In most all cases bronchitis is caused by viruses; however, in some cases there may be a bacterial infection which will only be able to be treated properly by antibiotics. It has been proven that antibiotics that are over prescribed for viral infections may actually create other infections such as yeast infections. Only a doctor will be able to tell if it is bacterial or viral. There are many varieties of Bronchitis found today. However, we have stuck to the description of only one variety to prevent confusion!

[list][*]According to research at Washington University in St.[*]Louis, a two-drug treatment may some day help with restoring healthy breathing in people ill with asthma and chronic bronchitis.[/list]

The researchers think that further testing of the treatments would take not less than a few years, but they claim that the combination of two drugs finally is able to preclude the pernicious transformation of these cells. It would allow the airways to function properly.

[list][*]According to Holtzman, in some people an overabundance of goblet cells is noticed because of viral infections or other factors.[*]It leads to particular breathing disorders.[*]He said the scientists proved that the using a combination of two types of inhibitors can block the excess cells.[*]Quality is better than quantity.[*]It is of no use writing numerous pages of nonsense for the reader.[*]Instead, it is better to write a short, and informative article on specific subjects like Chronic Bronchitis.[*]People tend to enjoy it more.[/list]

[b]Scientists examined mice with a lung condition similar to asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, a disease classification which includes chronic bronchitis.[/b]

Dr Michael Holtzman and other researchers discovered that some lining cells from the lungs air passages are able to change into another cell type, which leads to the overproduction of mucus in the airways. It was observed in mice and patients suffering from those disorders.

They noticed that the airway lining kept an excess of goblet cells (mucus-producing cells) because of a cup-like shape. The number of goblet cells increased as a result of two cellular mechanisms. One mechanism let the cells live longer because of the cilia, small hairs that help remove remains out of the lungs. The other mechanism provoked those cells to change into goblet cells. We have used clear and concise words in this article on Chronic Bronchitis homeopathic treatments misunderstandings and confusions that can be caused due to difficult words.